Welcome to the Huebner Berry Patch and Fruit Farm Steve and Carole
Huebner – Owners
4302 PR 4010
Normangee, TX 77871
Cell 979-255-3181 Farm 903-208-0827
Email – [email protected]
Start a new family tradition of picking your own fresh blackberries, tree ripened peaches and plums Also offering pre-picked berries, peaches and plums …. as well as Carole’s homemade jams & jellies.

Finding Our Farm Directions: From Centerville: Take Hwy. 75 South to Leona. Turn right (West) on FM 977. Go 3 miles to FM 2485 North. Turn right and go 3 miles to PR 4010. Turn left, follow road 1/4 mile to farm. Others: Take I-45 to Leona exit, Exit # 156. Turn West on FM 977. Go 2 miles to FM 2485 North. Turn right and go 3 miles to PR 4010. Turn left, follow road 1/4 mile to farm. From Normangee area: take Hwy 39 north to Flynn. Turn right onto FM 977 (going east) and go 8 miles to FM 2485 North. Turn left onto FM 2485 and go 3 miles to PR 4010. Will see our signs. Turn left onto PR 4010 and follow road 1/4 mile to farm.